Beverly Cleary

The FTC May (Finally) Protect Americans From Data Brokers

On August 29, the Federal Trade Commission announced it had filed a landmark lawsuit against data broker Kochava for “selling geolocation data from hundreds of millions of mobile...

Who Pays for an Act of Cyberwar?

Cyberinsurance doesn't cover acts of war. But even as cyberattacks mount, the definition of "warlike" actions remains blurry. Source link

Why Web3.0 blockchain technology is driving a six trillion dollar market

In 2023, the Web3.0 blockchain technology sector will be worth more than six trillion dollars, according to Market...

The Three-City Problem of Modern Life

But today there is a third city affecting the other two. Silicon Valley, this third city, is not governed primarily by reason (it is practically the mark of...

How SSE Renewables uses Azure Digital Twins for more than machines

Must-read big data coverage Offshore wind farms...

Privacy and security issues associated with facial recognition software

The market for facial recognition technology is increasing fast as organizations employ the technology for a variety of...

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