Hundreds of workers at two airports to vote on strike action – London Business News |



Hundreds of Unite members at two airports are set to vote on industrial action before the summer holidays.

Unite said some 300 ICTS Central Search members at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports rejected a “miserable” pay offer of 4% backdated to January including a one-off payment of £500.

ICTS Central Search employs 220 workers in Glasgow with 100 at Aberdeen who deal with security searches and process passengers for flights.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Workers at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports have emphatically rejected ICTS’s miserable pay offer.

“The company is extremely profitable and it can easily afford to make a far better offer to our members.

“Unite will fully back our ICTS Central Search members in their fight for better jobs, pay and conditions.”

Pat McIlvogue, Unite’s lead industrial officer for the aviation sector in Scotland, said: “ICTS Central Search workers undertake safety and security-critical tasks at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports. They deserve to be treated with respect.

“There should be a pay offer on the table which reflects the importance of their jobs. Without these workers the airports simply can’t operate.

“We now have no option but to move towards balloting around 300 members for industrial action ahead of the summer holiday rush.”

An ICTS Central Search spokesperson said: “Constructive pay talks with our staff at Glasgow Airport are ongoing.

“Generous pay proposals have been tabled that would give staff a minimum of 4% increase as well as a lump sum payment.

“This is in addition to the 15-28% increases our staff have received over the last two years.

“We would like to reassure the travelling public that their security is our priority and there will be no disruptions.”

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