For more than a decade, NASA’s Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) mission has been searching the sky for near-Earth objects. Using its infrared vision, the spacecraft,...
When two galaxies collide, the results can be destructive, with one of the galaxies ending up ripped apart, but it can also be constructive too. In the swirling...
Astronomers have discovered a type of exoplanet called a “super-Earth” located in the habitable zone of its small star, and it’s right in our cosmic backyard, just 137...
What's Up: February 2024 Skywatching Tips from NASA
NASA has shared its top tips for what to spot in the sky over the coming weeks.
In a video (top) released...
We’re living through a golden age of space exploration, from rovers landing on Mars to astronauts living on board the International Space Station to the most complex and...
Christopher Nolan is currently shooting The Odyssey in Europe. Because of the large ensemble cast, seemingly half of Hollywood’s top stars will be involved...