Tag results for: Scientific exploration

U.S. spacecraft lands on moon for the first time in 50 years | Tech Reader

The U.S. company Intuitive Machines has made a historic landing on the moon today, Friday February 23. Intuitive Machines’ Odysseus lander, launched earlier this month, touched down on...

Odysseus shares new moon images ahead of landing attempt | Tech Reader

Texas-based Intuitive Machines is on course to perform the first successful soft lunar landing by a commercial company, as well as the first U.S. moon landing since the...

U.S. lunar mission readies for crucial maneuver | Tech Reader

An American space mission that’s vying to make history by becoming the first commercial endeavor to achieve a soft lunar landing — and also the first U.S. landing...

How to watch Intuitive Machines land Odysseus on the moon | Tech Reader

Intuitive Machines will this week attempt to become the first commercial company to achieve a soft landing on the moon. If it succeeds in successfully touching down its...

Japan’s lunar lander is back in contact following blackout | Tech Reader

Japan’s lunar lander is back in touch with its team on Earth after regaining power via is solar panels. The Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) reached the moon...

How to watch NASA reveal the Artemis II moon astronauts | Tech Reader

NASA is just a short time away from revealing the four astronauts who will be taking a trip to the moon, possibly next year. The Artemis II mission’s Orion...

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Business leaders give their demands for new Labour government – London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

The country has voted for “change” and as such the Labour Party has won a landslide victory on Friday. ...

The pound continued to surge post-Labour victory – London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

The pound continued its rise, strengthening above the $1.27 mark against the US dollar following the Labour Party’s decisive victory...

The Morning After: OpenAI’s week of security issues

Perhaps unsurprisingly, July 4th was a quiet day for news, but we’ve still got editorials on e-ink writing, the most-delayed video game ever...

Keeper password manager review: share logins with control | Tech Reader

Keeper Security Password Manager MSRP $35.00 “Keeper password manager provides precise control and easy sharing of logins, files, and more at an affordable price.” Pros Excellent security record Easy...

Focus turns to Labour policies – London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com

Focus will now rapidly turn to how the new Labour government act during the first 100 days in office. ...